It is a great place to spend the day even if it is not summer if the temperature is good. It is placed next to the north access of Doniños Beach.
Equipment: tables, playground and a wooden walkway with an adjoining bike path that runs parallel to the beach.
In the vicinity of the beach, you can find bars and restaurants on the road.


It is a perfect area for children to play, eat a snack and spend the afternoon contemplating the Ferrol’s estuary from the Caranza neighborhood.
Equipment: wooden benches and tables and a playground area with swings. Bike lane from the center of Ferrol. Bus service.


This recreational area is an ideal place to go for a picnic or enjoy the sun in San Xoán de Covas, a few kilometers away from Ferrol in a rural setting.
Equipment: benches and tables, fountains, barbecues, litter bins. There is also a camping site 100 m away.


To get there, take the road to A Malata and then the one that goes to San Felipe.
Equipment: benches and tables for eating, areas of sun and shade, playground, sports field with football goals and baskets. Bars in the area.


It is an area next to the Curuxeiras port and provided with good sports facilities (basketball, football, swimming pool, etc.)
Equipment: benches and tables where you can take a snack. Bike path in the immediate vicinity.


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