Chamorro Mount


It is located on Chamorro Mount, from where you can admire a beautiful panorama of the Serantes Valley, the city and Ferrol’s estuary.

There are different versions of the origin of the name of Chamorro. The most “popular” and fantastic account is that an endangered fisherman shouted in Galician “xa morro” (I’m about to die)  and it was then helped by the Virgin. The hermitage is also known as the hermitage of the Virgin of Our Lady of Nordes, because of the auspicious wind from that direction. Patroness of the Seas and Valleys of Ferrol, she enjoys great devotion in the region.

The present temple is from the end of the fifteenth  century or the beginning of the sixteenth. The wood effigy of the Virgin, seated, frontal and of static forms, is of the so-called images of dressing. Like other places, Chamorro has a legend of the Virgin’s appearance to two brothers who were herding some goats in the bush.

The big day of Our Lady of Nordes is on Easter Monday, when a procession that features the image of the Virgin of Chamorro is celebrated after the main mass. A pilgrimage celebrated from the early hours gathers hundreds of people.


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